Forty two of us are enjoyed a great few days in Metz. The photos below show most of the attendees. There will be more photos and stories once we get back to Canada and organized.
No commitments were made to a future reunion but I think everyone who attended would urge you to vist Metz sometime. It’s a wonderful city. The intention is to post some information to help you plan a trip to Metz. This will include general information as well as some stuff oriented to former Navereau students.
![]() The group on a walking tour of Metz. Click on photo to see large version with caption | ![]() Former Students on the Steps of the Chateau. Click on photo to see large version with caption |
I so wish I was in the picture .. Good looking bunch
maybe next time. all we need is an organizer. hint, hint
That’s Kim Morris in the space behind Randy and Charles. What a wonderful get-together and a super weekend. Doug, Rick, Tony, et al did a wonderful job organizing it; kudos to all of you!
Thanks Steven
I knew that. It was a typo. It’s fixed now. I will make a change so you can view alarger version as well as it’s hard to see people in this
Simply fantastic!!! Attendees who want a copy of the Brats DVD (this time, with soundtrack, music, effects & voiceover by You-Know-Whom) can send me their snail-mail address at
Big hugs and congratulations, esp. to Doug.
How fun to see everyone again on line! It was an amazing get-together and so great to meet you all, sharing the Metz experience present and past.
I can’t thank Doug and his committee enough. Everything from tours to meals couldn’t have been better. Thank you SO MUCH for all your hard work and planning. It was a real gift.
Take care,
Hi to all!
A big thank-you to Doug and to those who took part in the organizing of this unbelievably memorable reunion.
Its obvious that you all put in a lot of time and effort to make it run so perfectly…. and it sure did run perfectly, down to every little detail…. I still can’t believe we had complete access to the Chateau, inside and out… what a highlight!
It was so special to spend time with so many really super people who share the same memories… thanks to John for capturing the memories common to us all on his dvd… some emotional moments there for all of us.
I loved meeting everyone who was there and hope that we all meet again in Metz 🙂
A toute a l’heure… (j’espere)… Clara
… a little suggestion for anyone who hasn’t yet driven in France, but intends to: learn the road signs before you move the car… and probably a good idea to “buckle up.”
Me again, Doug. Frank Clark-Jones is in the third row just to Tony’s right and behind Darlene.
Wow, wasn’t that a reunion! It was great spending time at the epicentre of our shared experience and getting to know folks better, regardless of when we lived in Metz or what schools we attended. As noted by others, Doug Pincock was the glue that held us together over the months leading up to the reunion, and he kept us on time, on target during the reunion itself. He deserves our eternal thanks for leaving us all with outstanding memories. The dogged determination to track down Jacques Delisle, the Crazy Canadian, as our tour guide was truly inspired, and David Godwin and Doug again deserve full credit. Jacques breathed life into Metz’s history, and added a profound dimension to our previously superficial knowledge of what is truly a wonderful city. John Orr’s newsletters, and the efforts of our own paparazzi, Dave Rippon and Steve Morris, to record the reunion with their cameras contributed immensely to building momentum and now in cementing our memories. A special thanks to John Tarzwell for his DVD slide show that he played at the ABC Brasserie. It was another very important ingedient for the reunion recipe that brought us closer together and will be a treasured keepsake. Thanks to everyone else who contributed in some way through their efforts or by their presence. Merci, merci a tous! Cheers, Tony
At one point before the reunion, there was a list of those people attending but I can’t seem to find it now. Maybe I am not looking in the right place or it has moved?
I would like to make a copy and refer to it as I label my photos.
Thanks and thinking of you all!
I did take the page down but will include a list in some kind of write up on the reunion. In the meantime, here is a link to the original page
I was crushed when last minute duties prevented my attending the reunion. I remember my first Mass at the cathedral in July 1961. I was so looking forward to seeing the Chateau again and driving out to the houses we lived in in Moulin-les-Metz and Montigny. The novelty is wearing off looking at the rooves with Gooogle Earth!
Love the photos! Rick Bennet’s human few extra pounds since the Ottawa reunion eased by fury at Tony for his infernal inconsiderate maintenance of the same damn frame he had nearly 50 years ago! 🙂
Dare I hope there will be another Metz reunion when I’ve finally retired? If not, I firmly intend to make my own pilgrimmage and will post an invite to others who missed this one in case they are interested.
Hugs to all.
Pete Baril
Glad to read your recollections of Metz and your intentions of having a pilgrimmage yourself.It brings lot of memories to me.
Yes the photos of the group were interesting. I was indispose like yourself but I was on my Honeymoon to Greece and life has been
busy.I especially remember the pomme frites at Gresy on way to Chateau a taste I have never experience again. And also going
Helmet hunting in the bunkers with my Dad. Also the Saturday matinees at the base for films. We had no TV then just the AFN and I believe Metz had a Radio
Radio station for the Canadians I believe was running from the Chateau. Keep me posted if you going my email is above.
Dave Bailey
GNS 56-60
I recall being in classrooms on the chateau grounds before Navereau was built. Miss Petney, Mr. Volk, Mr. David Smith. Tim Cartwright, Grant Evans, Robert Carey, Art Leviton and Gordon Trimble come to mind.
The URLs for the photos are broken
Links fixed
does anyone know where David Lewis is?
I am inquiring for someone.